G-LPC First Annual Workshop: Preliminary Program
University of Pittsburgh (May 2-5, 2019)


7-9pm: Opening Reception (40)


8:45am: Welcome  (25)
9:00–10:40am: Presentation and discussion of entries 1-5 (20 minutes/entry)
11:00am–12:40pm: Presentation and discussion of entries 6-10 (20 minutes/entry)
2:00-3:15pm: 4 breakout sessions (with 5 participants each) to discuss the form and content of the entries
3:30-4:30pm: Reports from each group on results on the breakout sessions
5:00pm: Lecture Speaker: Gabriel Trop (Tat)


8:30–10:00am: Breakfast meeting of Board
10:30am–12:00pm: Panel discussion of other dictionaries and lexicon-projects (Goethe-Handbuch; Goethe-Wörterbuch; Dictionary of Untranslatables; Handbuch der philosophischen Begriffe; Keywords; SEP; Ästhetische Grundbegriffe; Eisler; Mauthner) (10 minutes each)
12:15–2:15pm: Lunch: Presentation of website and digital platform (Aaron Brenner, Timothy Deliyannides, Colin Allen, and Bryan Klausmayer)
2:30-3:45pm: 4 Breakout sessions (with 5 participants each) to discuss the functionalities of the entries: what users might want to do AND what entries to do first. (2 sessions for each question)
4:00-5:00pm: Reports from each group on results on the breakout sessions
6:30pm: Banquet